Five Household Tips to Prevent Electrical Accidents

Posted in Home

Contrary to popular belief, intentionally electrocuting yourself is not an advisable way to achieving an afro hair cut. This is primarily because besides fluffing your hair up into an afro, electrocution can also result in severe physical and mental harm. Either way, you want to avoid electrical accidents, not just for the harm they can cause you but also for those around you. Here are 5 tips that can help prevent electrical accidents.

(1) Water and electricity are a big NO

In life, some things just aren’t meant to be. The union of water and electricity will never end with something good. Therefore, always make sure to keep all electric appliances far away from water, regardless of whether they are switched on or not. In case you are clumsy enough to drop an appliance into a watery area, make sure to unplug the appliance first and only then retrieve it. Once retrieved, give the appliance some time to dry off before using it again.

(2) Listen to your appliances

All electrical appliances have the ability to talk and you can hear them if you press your ear closely. If an appliance is constantly blowing a fuse, tripping a circuit breaker or giving slight electrical shocks, there is something seriously wrong with it. Instead of being a hero yourself, unplug the appliance and have it inspected by a professional before using it again to avoid any accidents.

(3) Use outlet covers if there are kids in the house

Kids love to stick their fingers into unused outlets. The word unused might imply that these outlets are harmless, but they are not. Nothing can be more dangerous than your child poking their fingers into an electrical socket. To protect them from potential harm, make sure you use outlet covers so that they don’t have any sockets to poke their fingers into.

(4) Treat your cords with respect

Quite like electrical appliances, cords can’t talk about themselves. But if you get on a cords’ wrong side, it can hurt you. To avoid it, simply treat it with respect. Never yank a cord out by its tail, always make sure you remove it carefully. They don't like being pushed and shoved around. They will be your harmless friends as long as you treat them with respect. 

(5) Always make sure wall plates cover the wiring

Besides protecting the integrity of wires, wall plates also protect you from coming into contact with live wires, which can cause electrocution. Therefore, always make sure all your sockets are protected with wall plates and replaced damaged or broken ones immediately.

If you’ve had the unfortunate experience of being electrocuted before, you’re probably wondering why you didn’t go through this article before. If you haven’t been electrocuted before, just follow the above tips to avoid the dangers of electricity both for yourself and your beloved family.

