Flavours of the Monsoon: Myanmar’s Seasonal Treats for Rainy Days

Posted in Food

There is a certain charm that accompanies the rainy season. The sound of raindrops dancing on rooftops, the grey skies and cool breeze, and the smells of home-cooked food commonly eaten during the season. In this article, we'll take you through some popular Myanmar dishes which are hearty, nourishing and which warms both body and soul!

Lal Tha Mar Soup (Farmer's Soup)

This dish, originally from Kayah State, was created for the hardworking farmers who were always on the go and didn't have much time to cook. It can be prepared quickly using fresh ingredients easily found and abundant during the rainy season - sprouts of gourd, pumpkin, and vegetables such as concinna leaves, chopped taro, and bamboo shoots. To prepare it, add grounded lemon grass, onion, garlic and chilli paste in boiled water. Then, add the vegetables and let it simmer before adding shrimp paste and salt for seasoning. This soup brings a taste of the countryside right to your table. 

Tar La Baw (Great Soup)

Tar La Baw soup is another dish which brings comfort on  a rainy day! The ingredients include bamboo shoots, rice flour, eggplant, lady finger (okra), and chopped-up gourd along with  fish paste and prawns. To prepare it, chop all the vegetables into bite-size pieces and place them in a pot of water. Add fish paste, salt, and pepper, and let it simmer until the vegetables are tender. Lastly, add some rice flour. Watch the recipe video for this dish here https://youtu.be/e40wNntcN-Y

Inn U (Earthstar Mushroom)

Earthstar Mushroom (Inn U) is regarded by some people in Myanmar as a natural gift of the rainy season – as it is only available at the beginning of the rainy season in May and June. The common ways to enjoy “Inn U” is by stir frying it with salt and pepper seasoning or as a soup. While it is nutritious, people with gout conditions, high blood pressure, heart disease, and back pain should consume it with caution.

Kine U (Edible Resin of Saccharum Spontaneum)

Another famous rainy season treat which you can only enjoy during the rainy season is Kine-U, the extract of a wild type of sugarcane which is known for its sweet and savoury taste, with some regarding it as having a similar texture as cheese. The common way to enjoy Kine U is by grilling with some salt and pepper seasoning. It can also be stir-fried with morning glory.

Taung Po Mushroom

Another seasonal food is Taung Po (long-stalked mushroom) which is especially enjoyed by vegetarians and mushroom lovers. It is usually fried with water spinach and green chilies but some prefer to sauté it with chilli powder, tomatoes, coriander and basil.

 If you plan on staying in more during the rainy season, pick up some of the ingredients mentioned in this article at your nearest City Mart supermarket and try to cook these hearty dishes!



Khin Yadanar Saw

မိုးရာသီမှာ ပူပူ​လေးနဲ့ အရသာရှိတဲ့ ဟင်းပွဲ​လေး​တွေက ကျန်းမာ​ရေးနဲ့လဲညီညွတ်ပြီး လွယ်ကူမြန်ဆန်စွာနဲ့ချက်ပြုတ်လို့ရတဲ့ ဟင်းပွဲ​လေး​တွေ ချက်ပြုတ်လို့ရတဲ့နည်းလမ်း​လေး​တွေသိရှိရလို့ အရမ်း​ကောင်းမွန်အကျိုးရှိပြီး ဗဟုသုတ များစွာရရှိပါတယ်ရှင် 😍😍