Hazardous Human Eats for Pets

Posted in Pets

It's important to note that pets are not usually satisfied with the standard meals of pet food they eat. Sometimes we're unaware of what we're feeding them, which may not be suitable for their health. We often assume that dogs and cats won't eat things they don't like, but like people, they may consume foods that aren't good for them. Some foods that are safe for human consumption can be physically harmful to pets due to their smaller bodies and different biology.


As a pet owner, it's crucial to be aware of which foods are appropriate and inappropriate for your animal's well-being. Also, caffeine is a nerve-stimulant that people consume to stay alert, but it can be deadly for cats due to their different internal processes. Dogs can also experience abnormal heart rate and lung issues from caffeine, so it's best to avoid feeding them any foods containing it.


Eating snacks is common, but it can have many negative effects on both people and pets. Snacks often contain high levels of salt, sugar, and calories that can contribute to obesity. Certain snacks, like fried potatoes, can also lead to problems like excessive dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea, and even depression. Pets, like children, may become interested in snack foods that are unhealthy, and this can discourage them from eating the nutritious foods they need.


Nuts like walnuts and almonds contain high amounts of fat. These fatty acids can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea in pets. Make sure to keep these nuts out of reach, as pets may accidentally ingest them. If you suspect your pet has eaten nuts and look unwell, contact your veterinarian immediately.


While avocados are healthy for people, they contain a substance called 'Persin' that is toxic to many animals. Pets like birds, rabbits, horses, sheep, and goats can develop lung and heart issues from avocados. Dogs, especially young ones, should be kept away from anything containing avocado.

Garlic and Onions

Garlic, leeks, and onions are tasty and useful for people when cooked. But for pets, eating these can actually destroy their red blood cells and lead to gastrointestinal and digestive issues. A large amount of these foods can be especially problematic for small pets like cats. Some pets may also simply dislike the smell or taste. To keep dogs and cats safe, it's best to keep these foods secured and washed/cooked thoroughly before eating, so pets can't access them in the kitchen.


Mushrooms can be dangerous even for humans, so it's best to avoid feeding them to pets altogether. They contain poisonous substances that can negatively impact a pet's internal functions, potentially leading to death. Be vigilant about checking pet food for any mushroom ingredients, as they may be present even if not deliberately added.

Raising pets requires just as much care and attention as raising a child. While some of the foods mentioned may be common for people, they can be dangerous for our furry friends. If your pet does eat something concerning, be sure to contact your veterinarian right away, especially if you see signs of vomiting or food poisoning.

