Promoting Healthy Digestion: Tips for Gut Health

Posted in Health, General Health

The stomach works tirelessly to generate the energy required for every part of the body to function properly. Therefore, if the stomach and intestines are not in good health, it can adversely affect other bodily functions. Let's explore how to protect, eat, and live to keep the stomach healthy.

What foods are good for the stomach? 

Fiber and nutrients found in fruits and vegetables not only support the digestive system but also provide various other health benefits. Vegetables rich in antioxidants can effectively combat cancer, while fiber helps relieve constipation and improve intestinal movement. It is advisable to consume a variety of colorful fruits and an assortment of vegetables.

Seeds contain fiber, iron, and antioxidants, but these nutrients are often lost during the processing of foods such as white bread and cakes due to the refining process. Therefore, unbleached products such as brown rice, oatmeal, barley, and whole wheat bread are more beneficial for the stomach.

Yogurt, apples, vinegar, kimchi, and other properly fermented vegetables should be consumed because these foods contain beneficial probiotics that support the health of the stomach and intestines. It's important to be aware that fermented foods should be clean.

Adopting healthy cooking methods is just as important as consuming stomach-friendly leafy greens, fruits, and grains. Although fried and grilled dishes may be enticing in terms of aroma and taste, they aren't good for your health. Fried foods are high in unhealthy fats that can be harmful to the body, and consuming grilled foods cooked at high temperatures increases the risk of cancer. When preparing meals, it's important to use cooking methods that promote well-being, such as boiling, steaming, marinating, and lightly sautéing with moderate amounts of oil. 

What foods should be avoided?

Red meats such as beef, mutton, and pork contain sodium, fat, and other compounds that may potentially increase the risk of heart disease, cancer, and stomach issues. Therefor, it's better for stomach health to reduce consumption of these meats. We should eat more chicken, fish, and a variety of beans, but red meats should be consumed only two or three times a week.

Another important consideration is the reduction of sugar intake. Excessive sugar consumption inhibits the growth of beneficial bacteria in the body. Consuming too much sugar from high-sugar beverages, bread, ice cream, and desserts can result in long-term stomach and intestinal issues.  Instead of consuming sweets containing sugar, you can eat for naturally sweet fruits.

How to Cultivate Good Habits?

Constipation is often associated with inadequate water intake. Drinking plenty of water can prevent constipation and promote a healthy intestine. An adult needs to consume 4 to 6 cups of water a day. In addition to water, you can also enjoy green tea, fat-free milk, and fresh fruit juice.

Exercise helps accelerate food digestion, thereby preventing stomach issues such as nausea, vomiting, discomfort, gas, and pressure in the digestive tract. It's recommended to engage in light exercises like walking for half an hour a day after meals. This can help maintain a healthy weight, which, in turn, can prevent colon disease, constipation, and other abdominal issues.

What behaviors should be avoided?

The most crucial behavior to avoid is smoking. Smoking is harmful to your lungs, but did you know it also has negative effects on your stomach? Smoking can lead to GERD issues, also known as sour stomach. Surveys indicate a correlation between smoking and gastrointestinal diseases. 

Another factor that might not seem directly related to gastrointestinal disorders is sleep deprivation. Experiencing abdominal problems is one of the numerous health disadvantages of insufficient sleep. Therefore, it is important to ensure you get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

If you experience long-term stress, you might also encounter stomach problems such as constipation and a bloated stomach. Therefore, mental health is also a matter that needs attention. Stress reduction can be achieved through methods such as yoga, meditation, and seeking therapy from a professional.

Abdominal problems, such as constipation and a bloated stomach, are common among many people. While some conditions can be addressed by modifying one's diet and lifestyle, others may require medical attention. We would like to suggest that if you experience any gastrointestinal issues, you should not delay seeking the necessary treatment. In matters of health, no illness or disease should be neglected as trivial.




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ကျန်းမာရေးကိုဂရုစိုက်သူတစ်ယောက်မို့ ကျန်းမာရေးနှင့်ပတ်သတ်သောဗဟုသုတတွေဖတ်လိုက်ရတာ ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါတယ်ရှင့် ကျန်းမာမှအလုပ်လုပ်နိုင်မည်တဲ့ ကျန်းမာအောင်တစ်ဦးတစ်ယောက်ချင်းဂရုစိုက်ကြပါစို့ စိတ်ချမ်းသာအောင်နေပြီး ကိုယ်ကျန်းမာရေးဂရုစိုက်ကြပါစို့