Stay Warm with These Rainy Season Soups

Posted in Food

As the monsoon season returns, there's nothing like a comforting, warm soup to enjoy with a clear palate. Soups, especially those packed with garlic, dried shrimp, and just the right amount of pepper, are perfect for the Myanmar taste buds. A hot bowl of soup not only warms you up on a rainy day but also boosts your appetite with its delicious and soothing flavors. In this rainy and cool season, if you're feeling a bit chilly, a warm soup can bring that cozy feeling back. Today, we want to share some simple and quick soup recipes with various ingredients that are not only easy to make but also satisfying to eat. So, read on for some tasty inspiration!

Taro Stem Soup

The whole taro plant offers various ingredients for cooking, and you can even make a soup using its stems! Since taro stems can cause irritation if not prepared properly, it’s important to slice them thinly and massage them well with salt to remove excess juices. After that, you simply boil garlic, salt, seasoning powder, and chili. Once the water is boiling, add the tender taro stems. For an added twist, soak glass noodles or vermicelli beforehand and toss them at the end for a delicious and hearty taro stem soup.

Senna Siamea Leaf Soup

To make a nutritious Senna Siamea leaf soup, start by blanching its tender leaves in boiling water, then drain and set them aside in a separate bowl. For the soup base, heat a little oil and sauté some garlic and ground ginger along with ground rice flour, chopped onions, and tomatoes. Add in some dried shrimp powder for flavor and stir until fragrant. Once the aroma fills the kitchen, add water and seasoning to your liking, bringing it to a boil to create a flavorful broth. Pour the broth over the blanched Senna Siamea leaves just before serving. It’s best to add the leaves right before eating so they don’t become too bitter if left in the soup for too long. Enjoy a warm, delicious bowl of this leaf soup!

Bottle Gourd Soup

Another popular and easy-to-make dish is Bottle Gourd Soup, a favorite in many homes. This soup is a must-have on the dining table and pairs well with many dishes. To make it, wash the bottle gourd, cut it into appropriately sized pieces, and then add it to boiling water. Along with garlic, seasoning powder, dried shrimp powder, and some chili, cook the bottle gourd until it becomes tender. Once it’s soft and the flavors have blended, the soup is ready to serve and enjoy. This simple and flavorful soup is sure to complement any meal!

Vermicelli Soup

Vermicelli Soup is a beloved dish that pairs wonderfully with rice or can be enjoyed on its own as a light snack. It’s packed with various ingredients, making it flavorful and satisfying. This soup is typically prepared with a chicken broth base and includes essentials like tofu skin, dried mushrooms, dried flowers, and vermicelli noodles. Customize it by adding your preferred level of spice, sourness, or saltiness for a rich and delicious soup that’s perfect for any meal.

Pennywort Soup

Pennywort leaves, known for improving vision, can be enjoyed in various ways – eaten raw as a salad, blended into a drink, or cooked into a soup. To make Pennywort Soup, start by bringing water to a boil. Add thinly sliced bottle gourd along with garlic, seasoning, and a bit of chili to taste. The star ingredient, horse gram leaves, should be added last, just before you remove the soup from the heat. Stir gently, and you’re ready to serve a nutritious, warming soup.

Lotus Stem Soup

Lotus stem is known for supporting healthy digestion and promoting regular bowel movements, and making a simple, delicious Lotus Stem Soup is easy. Start by boiling water, then add garlic, dried shrimp, lotus root slices, fish sauce, and a bit of sugar. Let the soup simmer over low heat until it boils. As usual, finish by adding a sprinkle of chili powder for extra flavor. This light and healthy soup pairs perfectly with a variety of salads, making it a great addition to any meal.

These unique and comforting soups are perfect for rainy season meals, offering warmth and nourishment. Whether you're cooking for yourself or for loved ones, these hot soups will be a hit on the dining table. If you have other special soup recipes you'd like to share, feel free to leave a comment so we can all try them out together!

