Cold Weather: Hot Tips for your Skin

Posted in Health, Beauty

The winter season is here once again. Are you starting to feel dry, flaky skin and chapped, cracked lips due to dehydration caused by this dry winter? The reason for our skin's dehydration is the dry air that absorbs moisture from our skin. This is why our skin becomes dry and sometimes itchy for certain individuals. To prevent this, let's explore the hydration tips below to keep our skin vibrant and healthy even during the dry winter.

Sip Your Way to Health with More Water

We should always be mindful of staying hydrated throughout every season. During the summer days, we often feel thirsty due to the heat of the sun. However, in winter, we tend to forget intentionally to drink water as we do in the summer. As a result, our bodies lack hydration, and our skin quickly becomes dry during winter. To maintain proper hydration, it is essential to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, even if you don't feel thirsty. This will naturally hydrate your skin. Additionally, drinking herbal tea and lemon tea while avoiding caffeinated drinks will further help in keeping your skin hydrated. Your skin will thank you for it.

Limiting Hot Showers 101

We always think hard to take a bath with normal temperature water in winter because of cold weather in the early morning. So, we decided to take shower with warm water without knowing the warm shower will dry our original hydration and nourishment that are already stored in our skin. So, if you want to take shower with warm water, it is acceptable with the temperature keeping the water lukewarm is actually much healthier. Try to limit showers to no more than 10 minutes and avoid using bath sponges or scrubbing brushes that can damage and irritate the skin.

Mastering the Art of Gentle Exfoliation

To remove dead cells from the skin's surface, we exfoliate using a special cream. Exfoliation remains crucial during the winter season, but we should opt for a gentle exfoliator and limit its use to once a week. This is because the skin becomes sensitive and easily dry in winter. Additionally, it's important to apply an appropriate moisturizer after exfoliation. The optimal time to apply moisturizer is within three to five minutes of showering, while the skin is still damp. This works to both the face and body.

Lip Service with the Power of Balm

We often forget to take care of our lips, even though we pay attention to keeping the rest of our skin from getting dry. It's important to care for and hydrate our lips as well. We can do this by carrying a lip balm with us, one that is made with natural ingredients and of good quality. Unlike the skin on the rest of our body, our lips can easily become dry and chapped, and they cannot heal or hydrate themselves. That's why it's necessary to have a lip balm that can provide hydration and nourishment for our lips throughout all seasons.

Embrace the Humidifier Habit

In winter, the low humidity in the air tends to strip away the moisture from our skin, leaving it dry and cracked. To combat this, it is essential to have a humidifier that can generate moisture in our surroundings. If you spend most of your time in an air-conditioned room or if you have dry skin, it is highly recommended to invest in a reliable humidifier that can effectively hydrate your dry environment. Having a humidifier offers numerous benefits for the health of your body and skin, ensuring adequate and balanced hydration for your outer skin by setting the humidity level to around 60%.

Maintaining hydrated skin is important not only during the winter season but also throughout all seasons, as it helps prevent complexion changes caused by hormones and aging. Adequate hydration acts as a natural healer for the skin, which is why it is crucial to follow the tips mentioned above for achieving a hydrated, radiant, and healthy complexion.

