Winter's Floral Symphony

Posted in Lifestyle, Entertainment

“Then crowds of flowers come out of a sudden, from nobody knows where, and dance upon the grass in wild glee.”

The lyrics are excerpts from Rabindranath Tagore's 'Crescent Moon' poems. In autumn, numerous flowers such as tiger lady flower, orchids, tuberose, Michaelmas daisy, and roses bloom profusely and are sold. Here are some of the beautiful flowers that bloom in winter.

(1) Mexican Sunflower (or) Wild Sunflower 

"The Mexican sunflower, also known as the wild sunflower, serves as a signal that colder weather is approaching, marking the end of the rainy season and the onset of winter. The locals aptly refer to these yellow sunflowers as wild sunflowers due to their natural growth. Commonly found in mountainous areas, they are also fittingly called mountain sunflowers. These beautiful and resilient mountain sunflowers burst into bloom, covering the entire environment in a sea of yellow when their season arrives. Travelers to Shan State in winter should exercise caution not to disturb the mountain sunflowers lining the roadsides, as they proudly represent the natural beauty of the mountain region.

In the floral lexicon, the resilient sunflower represents faith, and its lively yellow hue carries messages of joy, loyalty, and love.

(2) Snow Vine Flower 

When winter arrives and the temperature drops, the flower that typically blossoms in the mist is the snow vine flower. Due to its resemblance to the Tiger Lady flower (Thazin), it is also known as Gothazin in some regions. The snow vine's superior fragrance distinguishes it from the Thazin flower. As a type of Woody climber, it can be planted on a shelf or a large tree, and it blooms profusely, covering the leaves until they are scarcely visible. Commonly found in villages in the upper region, it has recently been cultivated and sold in nursery farms.

The snow vine flower, with its sweet fragrance, is often interpreted as a symbol of intense, passionate love.

(3) Tropical Clematis (Khwar Nyo) 

The tropical clematis (Khwar Nyo), also the seasonal flower of the Pyar Tho (January) , is a cold and sweet-smelling blossom that abundantly blooms throughout the entire plant in winter. As a woody climber, Khwar Nyo grows on fences and walls, and everyone appreciates its sweet scent and distinctive color, even though it may not have a high monetary value. Since the clematis is a low-grade species, the purple parts on the flower are not petals but tepals. The tropical clematis (Khwar Nyo), with long white stamens on the small purple tepals, adds to the beauty of winter.

The winter mornings are approaching, bringing the blossoming of the clematis, which can be interpreted as a manifestation of a beautiful heart and a brilliant mind."

(4) Cosmos 

Cosmos flowers bloom in winter, earning them local names like 'star flowers' and 'coin flowers.' These flowers, known by various names, continue to bloom almost throughout the winter. Initially found as a wild plant with a single petal, they are later cultivated as ornamental flowers due to their fragrant and pure form. Cosmos flowers come in pink, white, red, and yellow colors, with the latter being the most common. In some countries, cosmos flowers are eaten as a salad, and herbal tea made from them is also enjoyed.

Cosmos flowers carry various meanings, with most symbolizing warmth, goodness, and innocence.

(5) Winter Jasmine

Winter jasmine is a type of wild jasmine with a single petal that blooms in winter. When winter jasmine blossoms, the entire shrub is blanketed by a sea of white flowers. Though not as fragrant as Arabian Jasmine, its scent is faint and delicate, often accompanying the winter breeze. The plant is a perennial evergreen shrub, like the Arabian jasmines that grow at home, and typically produces clusters of about 20 small flowers. While not commonly planted at home, the wild jasmine that grows naturally adds an expressive touch to the winter landscape.

This flower can be defined as a symbol of simple and peaceful love, best appreciated while on the plant, as it withers in a moment if picked.

In addition to those just mentioned, there are many other flowers that bloom in winter. Flowers are among the most beautiful gifts on earth. Regardless of their monetary value, scarcity, abundance, or scent, they can impart a clear and uplifting energy to people. May you spend many happy moments with the myriad flowers that will bloom this winter.

